Consulting Services: Affirmative Action and EEO

Prepare and Implement Affirmative Action Programs
Doing business with the federal government poses a unique set of challenges. One of them is to prepare and annually update your affirmative action plan - and implement an affirmative action program.
The GEMS Group understands that compliance is more than writing a document each year. We understand the technical requirements of affirmative action and our clients’ particular issues. We provide our clients distinct guidance for affirmative action program success. To ensure your compliance, GEMS Group will
- Write a technically correct affirmative action plan
- Assess the status of your current HR practices and policies
- Identify action oriented programs to address affirmative action “problem areas”
- Provide tools to help you implement your affirmative action program
- Prepare you for an OFCCP Compliance Evaluation
- Conduct a pay-equity study
- Prepare EO Surveys
- Conduct implementation training and management briefings
Each year your plan will be done on time, like clockwork, freeing your time to focus on putting action into your affirmative action programs.

Related Articles:
Affirmative Action Program Compliance (Word Document 50KB)
Affirmative Action Plans for Women and Minorities (Word Document 71KB)
Affirmative Action Plan for Persons With Disabilities and Veterans (Word 39KB)

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